Join Now! The first 30 people to sign up GET A FREE 30 MINUTE 1:1 deep dive session!

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“Perfect, where can I download your freebie and join your FB group"



No, it's not just you.

My people feel it all the time.

You are smart. Educated. Experienced. Successful.
You get it. You know this online marketing stuff works.
But it's just not building you the business of your dreams. 
The one where you have multi six figure quarters, six figure months - and a million dollar roadmap.
And trying to check all the online business boxes - let alone fit inside of them - is cramping your style.

Maybe you love social. Maybe you hate it. Maybe you don’t have the time and energy for it. Perhaps it depends on the day. In any event, you didn’t work this hard and come this far to play cat and mouse with algorithms.

So yes, cheers to all the opportunities that abound on social media. But I want more for you.

If you are a rock star coach, consultant, or expert serving - or pivoting into serving - B2B clients...

THE B2B SALES INTENSIVE IS YOUR FIRST STEP TO A ROCK STAR WORTHY Q4 that will set you up for success in 2024 and beyond.
This, is your chance to reconnect those unshakable income and impact dreams to reality.

The beauty of B2B is that across industries, there are billions of dollars of budgeted money that MUST be spent.

That million-dollar business is yours for the taking.
But B2C digital marketing strategies won’t cut it.I know, because I play - and win - on both sides.
This is why I created the B2B Sales Intensive - for high level thinkers doing high level work.

I see you. You are a leader.

Not the garden variety influencer.

You are ready for a legacy beyond launching.

Which is perfect. Because leaders take action. They zig when others zag. Doing the work others won't.

This is how I create $100k+ sales months.

Without relying on freebies, funnels, Facebook groups, or massive amounts of followers. 

And how I recently sold $100k+ in ten days.

I am teaching you my tried and true tactics and techniques, so you can leverage them for life. 

What if $100k was only the beginning?

Amodhi is a rock star, just like you! She is the Founder and CEO of HCL Designs - a brand and technology optimization firm. Her goal was to increase revenue and earn $400k ARR. 
Together, we surpassed that $400k goal. Amodhi's business sales are $946,000 YTD.
Opportunity is everywhere. I am here to help you find it.


This, is going to LIGHT. YOU. UP.

If you have built your business on word of mouth and referrals and want more consistency and continuity in planning and meeting sales goals.
If you have referrals and aren’t quite sure how to strategically convert your referrals into sales or partnerships that will properly grow your business.
If you have a handful of B2B clients and long for a business development strategy that builds your sales and lead pipeline alongside your authority.
If you want to bring in the cash and hone in the confidence you need to bid farewell to your who cares how many figures because it’s not worth it job. 
If you love your career and want to give your side hustle the level up it deserves with a full suite sales, lead generation, and marketing strategy.
If you are ready to stop playing darts with budget cycles. 
If you desire to pivot with purpose and a plan.
If you long to move beyond the online marketing vortex.

If you have been yearning for bigger and bolder opportunities to come knocking.

Knock. Knock.

THIS IS YOUR TIME. The era of the B2B boys club is over. Women are starting and growing businesses at unprecedented rates. 
We women mean business.
And I want all of us to have the sales and lead generation strategies to prove it.
In The B2B Sales Intensive, I will be walking you through key steps to creating a sales and lead generation plan. I will give you a roadmap for your next $100k - and beyond - in B2B sales.
Join us for the intensive the week of October 2nd.
Sessions will be live on Zoom for VIPs, who will be invited to join us and have the opportunity to participate in a mini hot seat session.
Each day's session will also be streamed live (technology willing) and made available via replays in a private Facebook group for all intensive participants.

Hey! I'm Dora.

Formerly known as the chic who got women capital to grow their businesses when they couldn’t get it from the bank.

When I left corporate for a leadership role with a brand new Fintech start-up, we were an unknown company with an unknown product (debt crowdfunding), in a new market. I knew I had to make it work. I was determined to get more money in the hands of minority and women business owners by selling this mysterious new product to people who didn’t know it - or our company - existed.
Today, my mission is born of these same roots. I do what I do to get more money in the hands of more women, especially BIPOC women. I walk women who may not be known, who are selling products that may be new to their most exciting potential clients, possibly even exploring new markets, through the same process I used then - to eventually get to where I am now. Where $100k months are made possible with strategic sales, lead generation and marketing planning. If I can teach loan officers sales and lead gen, I can teach you too!


I’m still that chic. Empowering women to live their purpose and own their economic power.

I love helping women increase their earnings and grow their businesses so they can make more impact. I do this by leveraging my tried and true toolkit of sales, lead generation and marketing methods that I have honed over the past two decades.

When I win, you win.

Are you ready to take your brilliance to the bank?


The B2B Sales Intensive

  • Illustration

    Day 1: Elevate your offer - 5 and 6 figure services

    Monday Oct. 2 
    1PM New York Time

    If you aren't talking to organizations, businesses, or non-profits that have big budgets, it is time to change that (this is just one great reason why clearly identifying your target audience is so important).
    Through this lens of possibility, we will reconnect to the offer you were born to deliver and the depths of transformation you can provide when charging accordingly. This is your chance to dust off that dream offer and get ready to introduce it to its perfect fit people.
    Ready? Sign up today!

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    Day 2: Make competition irrelevant - nail the niche

    Tuesday Oct. 3
    1PM New York Time

    When you are crystal clear on your target audience you can ACTIVATE ANY MARKET.
    If you charge upper five and six figures for your services, you need to know the characteristics of the businesses that have the budget to bring you in.
    We will refine your target audience identifiers so that you can position yourself as THE solution for a specific buyer within a specific industry and of a specific size - with your unique offer qualifiers sprinkled in as needed.
    Ready? Sign up today!

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    Day 3: Harness the power of pitch-free prospecting

    Wednesday Oct. 4
    1PM New York Time

    I didn’t become a master sales coach by being a sleaze ball.
    I will teach you how to build a list of leads (without a lead magnet), AND how to conduct relationship driven outreach WITHOUT PITCHING your products or services.
    Once you have your elevated offer and know your exact target audience, it is time to find them and extend an invitation. Hit pause on summits, bundles, and garage sale style list swapping and learn how to build a list of potentially life changing prospects.
    Ready? Sign up today!

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    Day 4: The natural next step sales process

    Thursday Oct. 5
    1PM New York Time

    Say hello to freak-out free sales calls.
    When you are clear on what you are selling, who you are selling it to, and how you can find them - you are 80% there! Now it is time to apply my signature Non Sleasy Sales Conversation framework to the call it what you want call (’s a sales call).
    Get comfy and confident with how to move through this call; knowing that you will only sell if you are certain that you have THE solution to their problem and this solution is a natural next step for you both.
    Ready? Sign up today!

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    Day 5: Hot Seats and Q&A

    Friday Oct. 6
    1PM New York Time

    It’s party time! This is your chance to ask anything about the first four days of the challenge. Stuck? Excited? Scared-cited? Bring it all.
    And yes, I will be extending an invitation to something juicy!
    Ready? Sign up today!


The value of this intensive is insane.

But it's my birthday week!

In honor of me turning 30 again, you get access to The B2B Sales Intensive for only $47!
Even better, grab a VIP ticket for just $97 to join us live on Zoom and participate in Q&A at the end of each session. 

Yes, there will be prizes.

The biggest of them all is a vip day with me!

Everyone who attends daily, and submits their homework in the Facebook group, will be entered in a random drawing. Yep, you can win an entire VIP Day with me!
I know, right, no brainer. But sign up now, because if you are one of the first 30 people to join, you will receive a complimentary 30-minute 1:1 deep dive with me.

We're going to have some fun! Care to join us?

remember, the first 30 people to register GET a free 30-minute 1:1 deep dive with dora!


General Admission

October 2nd - 6th 2023


5 Day IntensivePrivate Facebook GroupPre-Intensive Watch Party


VIP Pass

October 2nd - 6th 2023


5 Day IntensivePrivate Facebook GroupPre-Intensive Watch Party+ Join us live on Zoom daily+ Q&A at end of each session

Got questions?


  • Who is this for?

    This is for coaches and consultants whose primary offer/service is for an organization, company, or nonprofit (or those serious about investing time and energy into pivoting into this space). Think businesses with budgets. If you can solve a problem for them - you need to be in the intensive!

  • Will there be a Facebook Group?

    Of course. Everything is better with friends. There will be a Facebook group AND we will be hosting a watch party in this group the week of the 25th of September. 

  • What is the watch party?

    Think Netflix and chill - but watch Dora and find ways to make money. We have curated our most requested masterclasses and workshops and will be posting a select few in the Facebook group for you to watch (or rewatch!) the week before the intensive so you can ask any questions and be prepared to take full advantage of our time together. Also, again, everything is more fun with friends. 

  • Will you coach me in these sessions?

    VIP pass holders will be invited to join the live sessions on Zoom. During these sessions, you will be able to comment and ask questions in the chat. We will also set aside some time after the training portion of the session for mini hot seats. 

  • Where will the intensive be hosted?

    Intensive sessions will be hosted via Zoom (technology willing) and streamed into the Facebook group so that you can watch (or rewatch) at your convenience. When you sign up, there will be an option to upgrade to a VIP Pass which will allow you to join us live on Zoom and participate in a brief Q&A session after each training. 

  • How long will each session be?

    About an hour. If you have good questions we aren’t going to leave you hanging. 

  • What time and date will the live session take place?

    1PM EST (New York time) Monday October 2nd - Friday October 6th

  • Will recordings be available after the intensive?

    The Facebook group will be archived on October 25th (meaning you won’t be able to post or comment) but you should still be able to view existing content and the recordings from the Facebook group.

  • Who do I contact if I have questions?